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Preparing Buildings for the Future, through Outcome-Based Design
Intelligence in buildings encapsulates IMEG’s vision for the intelligent building. It represents an approach to the thought leadership, design, construction, commissioning, and operations of the building environment. It is re-defining what high-performance design means for your building. Through the capturing of data from IoT devices and the running of data analytics on that data, the result is the use of intelligent building technologies to achieve specific and intentional outcomes. These outcomes begin to lay the foundation for unified connectivity and BIG DATA strategies that enhances a building’s user experience. They prepare your building for the future. We are seeing that this approach can ultimately reduce energy and water costs, improve building operations, increase staff productivity, and provide a framework for the future. Check out our intelligence in buildings podcast episode here.
Outcome-based Approach
Recognizing the importance of intelligence in buildings, IMEG brings a holistic and collaborative multi-disciplinary design approach to meet an owner’s goals. Our expertise includes thought leadership and technical design expertise in the entire intelligent building ecosystem. Examples of intelligence in buildings outcomes include:
- Circadian lighting to improve worker productivity and improve patient recovery time
- Real-time indoor air quality sensors that verify the delivery of clean and healthy air
- Fault detection and diagnostics that maintain energy performance throughout the building life
- Controls to reduce ventilation rate during unoccupied periods
- Staged fume exhaust fan control with velocity determined by wind studies to reduce energy use
View an interactive Smart Patient Room.
Data (Analytics) as Currency
A guiding principle of real estate has long been “location, location, location.” Similarly, the guiding principle for systems in the built environment has become “information, information, information.” There is tremendous value in the data obtained from building systems waiting to be discovered and acted on to achieve better design and operational choices for your building.
The concept of “data as currency” helps us talk about this emerging concept in a relatable way. Traditional currency has value and that value is realized through equal exchanges of goods and services. Currency is also put to work, through investing, where an ROI is expected in exchange for the use of the currency. Thinking of data in this way allows us to break the barrier of understanding of the complex world of data analytics and artificial intelligence in buildings. Considering “data as currency” helps clients make better decisions about how to spend money to harvest and analyze data and to also better define what to expect in return for that investment.